Sales and marketing

Sales and marketing

In Kazakhstan, VIVA Pharm represents products of following companies: Boiron, Zambon, Biomarin, Biotest, Trenka.

In cooperation with our foreign partners, we have gained valuable experience in our operations, together with company growth, providing us an advantage on the domestic market and in penetrating new markets outside Kazakhstan (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbajzhan).

VIVA Pharm represents interests of our clients and communicates with wide range of customers: from Ministry of Health and regional healthcare administrations, National Scientific Institutes, government owned and private clinical hospitals to private medical practices, polyclinics, medical centers, pharmacies, drug wholesalers and distributors.

Sales & Marketing Service of VIVA Pharm consist of several client focused Business Units providing full circle of promo activities from visits and educational events with Health Care Professionals and to Pharmacy Merchandising, trade actions & advertising. For specialized hospital and rare diseases we provide high quality Market Access and Listing activities.

For specialized hospital and rare diseases we provide high quality Market Access and Listing activities.

Our Sales & Marketing teams consist of experienced specialists. Marketing and product managers develop and adapt Marketing strategies, which hereafter is used by medical representatives in communications with healthcare specialists.

Medical representatives of the company have medical or pharmaceutical education, which enables to communicate with different levels specialists. We are represented and cover all regions of Kazakhstan. We focused on quality of our service and prefer steady and consistent growth of our operations.

Please contact us if you have interesting projects for development. We will do our best to make our patients and healthcare professionals happy.

Thank you
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